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India's Stance in G20: A Force to Be Reckoned With, Says France

"India's Stance in G20: A Force to Be

Reckoned With, Says France"

"India's Remarkable Diplomatic Triumph: G20 Delivers Unanimous Declaration Without Footnote or Chair's Summary"

In an extraordinary display of India's prowess in global diplomacy, the G20 summit concluded with an unprecedented 100% consensus on the Delhi G20 Declaration, a testament to India's exceptional ability to unite nations. Praising New Delhi's remarkable negotiation skills, a French diplomatic source acknowledged India's unique position as a mediator.

"India has assumed a kind of power and an ability to bring countries together. Not many countries are in a position to negotiate as India has done, i.e. to take on board comments from everyone, and work out a compromise proposal. This is something important," noted the French diplomatic source.

During a press conference, Amitabh Kant, the G20 Sherpa, disclosed that all 83 paragraphs in the declaration garnered unanimous support without a single footnote or Chair's Summary, signifying a remarkable achievement in fostering unity among diverse nations.

The G20 has grappled with divisions over the Ukraine conflict since Russia's invasion last year, with Russian President Vladimir Putin opting to skip the summit to avoid anticipated criticism. India, as the host nation, played a pivotal role in persuading member states to reach a consensus, which ultimately led to a statement that balanced condemnation of the use of force for territorial gain while refraining from direct criticism of Russia by name.

The French source expressed satisfaction with the G20 declaration, emphasizing its significance in promoting consensus-building for the future. "The statement underscores that all states must refrain from conquering territories by force, with Russia being the sole exception. This contributes to building consensus for the future," the source added.

Achieving a language of consensus on a contentious issue like Ukraine necessitated referencing prior agreements, including the Bali conversation and United Nations texts. Furthermore, the declaration firmly asserts the unacceptability of territorial conquest through warfare, the importance of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and the necessity for a just and enduring peace that upholds these principles.

This landmark G20 summit not only showcases India's diplomatic acumen but also sets the stage for seeking a just and lasting resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.



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