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Wikipedia's Critical Fundraiser Seeks Support to Safeguard Free Knowledge

Support Wikipedia's Vital Mission: Join the 2% Who Can Make a Difference!

Join the Campaign to Keep Wikipedia Independent and Reliable


CURRENTLY When you open THE KNOWLEDGE HUB SITE- WIKIPEDIA, you might have seen the above message. Wikipedia is trying to raise their fund as they ran out of it.

In a plea for support, the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization behind Wikipedia and 12 other free knowledge projects, is urgently calling upon readers to contribute to their fundraising efforts. On this Thursday, September 14, 2023, they ask the global community to reflect on their relationship with the world's most extensive online encyclopedia.

A Year of Reflection: Wikipedia's Impact on Our Lives

Have you ever wondered about the number of times you've turned to Wikipedia for valuable information in the past year? Perhaps you've used it for academic research, settled debates with friends, or simply satisfied your curiosity on countless topics. Wikipedia has become an indispensable source of knowledge for millions worldwide.

₹ 25 to Preserve a World of Knowledge

Now, the Wikimedia Foundation is inviting you to participate in securing the future of this invaluable resource. With a humble request for a contribution of just ₹ 25, you can play a vital role in maintaining Wikipedia's commitment to neutrality and high-quality information.

The Power of the 2%: Make a Meaningful Impact

Imagine the collective strength of the 2% of readers who choose to donate. If every person currently reading this appeal contributes ₹ 25, the Wikimedia Foundation can reach its fundraising goal in a matter of hours. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a substantial difference.

Preserving Core Values in a Nonprofit Space

The Wikimedia Foundation's nonprofit status is crucial to upholding the core values that Wikipedia was built upon: neutrality, high quality, and the absence of sensationalism. By remaining a nonprofit entity, Wikipedia remains safeguarded against potential commercialization or manipulation by vested interests. It remains a shared space for the world's collective knowledge, free from external pressures.

Join the Cause - Act Now!

Your support is needed now more than ever. Contribute ₹ 25 to ensure that Wikipedia continues to be a trusted and accessible source of knowledge for generations to come. Together, we can protect the integrity and independence of this invaluable global resource.



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